

在一个负担得起的地方完成你的学位, online program with a breadth of study in subjects from business to science to art.

你以前有大学学分吗? 你正在寻找一种完成学位的方法吗? 澳门十大赌城官方网站's fully online multidisciplinary studies degree program can help you reach your goals! We can help you develop the skills and knowledge base that you need to advance, at a cost you can afford and with a schedule that meets the needs of a working adult.

在FSU攻读多学科在线学位, you’re earning a bachelor’s degree that adds value to your résumé, 同时在家里方便地上课. Your work or personal life doesn’t need to go on pause for you to further your 教育 and reach your full potential.



  •  完全在线课程
    按照你的时间表学习! Enrolling in an online degree program can open doors for students who might otherwise find it challenging to pursue a college 教育 while balancing their work and family commitments. This makes the online multidisciplinary program an accessible option for students who want to embark on studies across disciplines in preparation for their career or grad school.

  •  传递友好
    使用你已经获得的学分! Your transfer credits can be used toward your online degree in multidisciplinary studies so that you can take advantage of the hard work you’ve done to get where you are. 在澳门十大赌城官方网站完成本科学位, you’ll graduate with a Bachelor of Science in 多学科研究 degree that can help you reach your career goals.

  •  建立一个知识网络
    A multidisciplinary 教育 can prepare students for a range of careers, making it an excellent option for those looking to hone their skills across many subjects. 更重要的是, as opposed to interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary 教育, 多学科的教育是附加的, meaning it draws on and builds upon multiple disciplines within the bounds of the program.

  •  年级的宽恕
    If you are an undergraduate student applying for readmission after an absence of at least five calendar years, you may petition the 入学s Office to remove up to 16 credits and their corresponding course grades from the calculation of your cumulative grade point average.




Your online multidisciplinary studies degree allows you to combine knowledge across disciplines, 批判性的思考, problem-solve and leverage insights to make decisions; these skills and more mean that your degree can help you land a career in a range of industries.

Whether you desire to earn a promotion in your current job or plan to pursue a new career in business, 教育, 社会服务或艺术和娱乐, a multidisciplinary studies bachelor’s degree makes you an adaptable and well-rounded team member in these fields and more.


澳门十大赌城官方网站在线B.S. in multidisciplinary studies program offers both a breadth and depth of study. It deepens your knowledge and rounds out your skill set in subjects like business, 艺术, 社会科学等等. 当你毕业的时候,你将能够:

  • Research and critically evaluate information from various perspectives and disciplines while connecting knowledge and learning across interdisciplinary fields.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, two valuable assets to bring to the job market.
  • Communicate information and ideas effectively in writing and present ideas and arguments confidently in an oral format, skills that you’ll own throughout your career and will be invaluable as you seek employment.


Students who graduate from Frostburg’s online multidisciplinary studies bachelor’s degree program achieve careers in a diverse range of industries, showcasing the versatility of the program and the strong skill set our graduates bring to the job market.


在线 多学科研究 majors have access to virtual advising appointments, 基于web的辅导, 学生无障碍服务, 虚拟职业咨询预约等等.

A convenient online multidisciplinary studies degree with endless career possibilities.

With 澳门十大赌城官方网站’s fully online multidisciplinary studies bachelor’s degree program, 你将有机会探索自己的兴趣, deepen and round out your skill set and prepare for graduate school or a career in a wide range of industries.
